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This project was inspired by 'Marble it Up!' which is also a roller ball game, but we wanted it to almost seem like a sporting event and tried to create a crowd atmosphere to increase the excitement and pressure for the players. 


'Zorb Ball' was a team project with 2 other designers in a 3-week project, in which my job was:

  • Texturing the flooring, player ball, diamonds, Pause, and Main menus UI

  • Lighting

  • Particle Effects for the dash


Was interesting working with only designers on this project as it forced us to learn more about areas outside of design specifically texturing, modelling, and programming which each of us had some experience in but never got the chance to use them. Mainly because we had artist or programmer who could do the job faster and better then us, so it was exciting to learn what is needed in other fields to make me a better designer. 


Due to needing to focus on the other aspects of development like art and programming, needing to balance the design side of the project became forgotten. This lead to a lot of balancing issues like level design and timer making the game way more difficult, looking back it made more sense to not make it a countdown but a timer on how fast you could get through the level and minimize the amount of jumping.


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